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What To Watch: Card Games

We’ve reviewed five common poker tells that can help you win more hands. Now it’s time to take a look at some of the more nuanced tells you may notice during card games. These slight changes in facial expressions, body language and card holding could mean the difference between going bust and winning the pot.

Protecting the Hole Cards

When you’ve got something of value you want to protect it. Many poker players will do just that with their hole cards. When the hole cards are particularly good a player may keep their hands over the hole cards or put a chip on top.

Stealing Glances

Did another player just take a quick glance at their chips after seeing their hole cards? Are they stealing glances at other players? A glance at the chips when cards are dealt usually means a player is calculating their bet, which indicates they’ve got a pretty strong hand. Stealing glances at other players, especially when they seem like they aren’t paying attention is a sign of strength - and that they’re waiting to pounce.

Looking at Hole Cards for a While

When a player looks at their hole cards for a long stretch of time, there’s a good chance they’re weak. Strong hole cards will stand out immediately.

Touching Chips Before the Bet

When a player touches their chips in between bets they’re implying that they are ready to call or raise. An obvious sign of this is when the player pushes some of their chips forward as if they are separating them out for the upcoming bet. Defensive chip handling like this is actually an indication the player is trying to intimidate others and may not have a great hand.

Chatting Easily

Some people are chatty by nature, but it’s hard to chat it up when you’re trying to bluff or worried about your odds. When a player is answering questions and responding with ease they’re more likely to have a good hand.

Laying Down a Check Raise

There are some very reliable tells - the check raise is no exception. When a player does the check raise, it almost always means they have a strong hand since the move is hardly ever used on a bluff.

Hands That Tremble Slightly

That trembling probably isn’t nerves. More likely it’s from the excitement of being dealt really good hole cards.

Staring at the Board

Players that stare at the board intently are looking for a saving grace. Their hole cards didn’t connect and now they need something on the flop.

Drawing Arms or Hands Closer to the Body

Players that pull their arms and/or hands closer to the body are exhibiting defensive body language. It’s a natural reaction to a weak hand. However, if the player lacks confidence or is introverted they may behave this way every hand, so look for changes.

Clear Betting Pattern

After playing a number of hands you may notice that another player has a betting pattern. A novice player will often bet small when they have a weak hand and bet big when they’re dealt strong cards. It’s a dead giveaway of how likely they are to win.

Looking for a chance to try out your poker tell skills? Call Casino Knights Inc. to plan an epic casino party or charity poker tournament. We have casino party packages for groups of all sizes.

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